Digital Empathy
Cognitive & Social-Emotional Framework for Digital and Media Literacy Education
Students' Work
The Weekly Show
Starting Fall 2015, students in Media Production produce a weekly show on recent topics. Sixteen students at CCSU created a pilot for COMM 427 class. The next semester they started a group project to hae a weekly show at CCSU media center. Each semeter they create a series of eposode on the most concering issues on campus and beyond.
A Game with a Key
Poland 1942. A child is playing a game with his Jewish parents while the Nazi soldier is knocking at the door. The Film is an adaptation of Ida Fink short story. The Israeli high school students film the entire video in Yiddish though non of them speak the language.
Best Year-End Project award - outstanding production, From the Israeli Holaucast Memorial Meuseum in Jerusalem - Yad Vashem Educational Prizes 2008/9
A young women is going on a date all excited but when she is going the resroom at the bar, her date put something in her drink. What shoudl the bystander do?
This is one video out of dozen PSAs created in COMM 227 and COMM 327 classes as part of a campus-wide initiative addrssing issues of sexual hassult and bystandar effects.
I am...me
Two teenagers show how they define themselves as unique individuals uses the power of digitla media to say praudly that they are more than just a foster kid.
Final project for First Star URI Academy – Was screen at the RI State House General Assembly.
Banana Split
A crime has been committed and the usual suspected is brought to investigation. However, the wring banana has been convicted.
A one minute video produced as part of GiveMe5 Students’ Lab 2014 – A 5 hours long workshop for RI teen filmmakers.
GiveMe5 Documentary
A one-minute long documentary portrays the GiveMe5 workshop process from brainstorming to screening.
The documentary team was older teenagers who participated the year before in the workshop and came back to make a one minute video in five hours, this time documenting the other young production groups.
Promotional video of the collaborating initiative at the New Britain downtown campus between ITBD, Elihu Burritt Library, TRIO program and business in town. As art of COMM 485 course on promotional video, Lori and Alex produced a video to showcase the work at ITBD and invite other businesses to join the CCSU initiative.
The story of a cognitive challenged adolescent who wants to play basketball with his classmates. The opportunity arrives and he teaches them a lesson about prejudice.
The video was written, filmed, and edit by a group of special education students with cognitive disabilities.
The film won he Outstanding Contributions to Society Award - Ma'ayan Sapir film festival / "Metsila", the Israeli Anti Drug Abuse Foundation
Superheroes Books
When Dr. Cruel steal the Superheroes' books they are fighting together and learn to collaborate.
A video created by 2nd grade students at St. Elizabeth Seaton Academy. The students worked for a month with Yonty Friesem in association with VSA arts RI and the Media Education Lab as part of CF Digital.