Digital Empathy
Cognitive & Social-Emotional Framework for Digital and Media Literacy Education
Curricula of Digital Empathy
GiveMe5 Students' Media Lab is a 5 hours video production workshop. Now in its seventh year, the project has grown to promote media literacy skills of Rhode Island teenagers from 2nd-12th grade students.
For more information visit GiveMe5 website
Higher Ed
In my undrgraduate course FLM 101 - introduction to film/media anlysis, the students recreate scenes from movies. They empathize with their audience and think how to compose a frame and edit it while analyzing the professional work of the original.
For more infromation visit URI FIlm/Media Program
Intervention & Support
As part of the professional development at Narragansett Public Schools, I work with the Special Education team to have Positive Behavior Interventions and support (PBIS) using digital media. We promote inclusion using media produciton as you can see in the video.
For more infromation visit PBIS at Narragansett High School
Foster Youth
The First Star URI Academy is a 4-week summer residential academy that takes place at the University of Rhode Island. During the program, students are fully immersed in the college culture of URI. The media classes are college level classes in media production and analysis.
For more informaiton visit First Star URI Academy
Universal Design for Learning
VSA Arts RI and the Media Education Lab collaborated on a grant from the Kennedy Center to provide a professional development in UDL and digital media literacy to more than 200 educators in RI.
The math coach, 4th grade teachers, and the library media specialist at Narragansett Elementary School are working on math problems using media production. As they think of the 3rd grade students they empathize with them to understand how to teach them math.
For more infomaiton visit Narragansett Elementary School