Digital Empathy
Cognitive & Social-Emotional Framework for Digital and Media Literacy Education
Resources for Digital Empathy Materials
A comprehensive website and online community that increases knowledge, sharing, and adoption of what works in K-12 education. Among the materials, you can find many blog entries and material about social and emotional leanring especialy empathy.
Living Online Lab
The Living Online curriculum contains a number of modules (lessons) that are accompanied by professional lesson plans and supporting resources. These will be constantly updated to reflect the fast changing nature of the Digital World.
For more infomaiton visit Living Online Lab
Clevland Clinic
The Compass Advantage framework
The Compass Advantage framework are essential to every child’s development. Nurtured by parents, teachers, and mentors, these abilities, including empathy, form an internal compass that guides kids through life.
For more infromation visit Roots of Action
Start Empathy
Start Empathy is proud to partner with the Entertainment Industry Foundation for the launch of Think It Up, a national education campaign that supports student-powered learning projects and prioritizes empathy and changemaking in our schools.
For more information visit Start Empathy
Brené Brown
A short video featuring how to patient care is more than just healing, it's building a connection that encompasses mind, body and soul. The video showcase how you could stand in someone else's shoes, hear what they hear, see what they see, feel what they feel. Great shwcase of digital empathy.
For more infromation visit Clevland Clinic
An RSA short animated video of Dr Brené Brown talk about The Power of Vulnerability: the difference between sympathy and empathy. She argues that to be truly empathetic you have to be vulnerable by connecting with someone's pain in yourself. Animated and directed by Katy Davis (AKA Gobblynne).
For more informaiton visit The Power of Empathy